From developing and manufacturing tailored solutions, to cleaning, servicing and storage.
Tailored solutions
To ensure valuable and sensitive parts arrive in pristine condition when being transported from one location to another, a little extra consideration is often required. This can range from more robust package options to a complete custom-built solution. With in-house development, manufacturing and cleanrooms, HQ Pack can design, build and pack to meet exact requirements.
After having invested in a high-quality packaging solution, at HQ Pack, we believe it is not economical to just scrap it. By engineering with circularity in mind, we can return, service and store complete packaging solutions and parts to be reused. Alternatively, we reclaim and recycle where possible, to minimise our carbon footprint.
In working with highly innovative customers who deliver state-of-the-art equipment and parts, we know they will face numerous challenges. HQ Pack therefore is always looking to expand the range of skills and expertise we have available in-house, to ensure we can always think out-of-the-box when it comes to creating unique solutions.